“Thalidomide in the USA: The Forgotten Survivors” is an upcoming documentary directed by Carolyn Jean Grover of Rochester, NY. It seeks to educate people on – and raise awareness for – the “Forgotten Survivors” of Thalidomide in the US.
In the early 1960s, Thalidomide was a drug that was distributed to hundreds of doctors nationwide without being approved by the FDA. It was often given out to pregnant mothers to alleviate morning sickness. Eventually, it was found that it was causing babies to be born with devastating birth defects – defects that typically effected the growth of the arms and legs.
The awareness the film brings, will in turn, hopefully bring justice. While Thalidomide survivors in other parts of the world have received compensation for their struggles, the overwhelming majority of US Survivors have received nothing – leaving many in poverty.
I am proud to be the project’s Director of Photography. Being able to meet the Survivors and capture their resiliency and dedication to the cause on camera was an amazing experience.
The film will be released within the next year. Trailer below.